Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Task Force Kilo

Task Force Kilo, the team which I currently reside, Is something else. It stands apart from every other team, and our list of applicants proves that. We have people applying all the time, with new players sitting in for our training days pretty regularly.

Yesterday was a TFK training day, and it was awesome. I had brought a friend from school airsofting for the first time. I set him up in my 6094, cammies, and my recently worked on Ares Tavor. (Which is shooting AWESOME By the way!) I wish I had been set like that to play a game when I started. I would've been hooked from the start!

I set my friend free to mingle with the local airsofters while I played the UN photographer. I wore Khang's Blue U.N Helmet with an orange safety vest and a camera. I was told it was the most accurate UN loadout to date!

I got some AWESOME photos from the game and training, link:This Album Here

After a couple games, we started training. It went awesome, and I eventually ended up yelling at Rob my favorite quote from 'Full Metal Jacket', "I WILL GOUGE OUT YOUR EYEBALLS AND SKULL*UCK YOU!" Everybody was surprised at my channeled aggression, i'm a pretty calm, collected person, but Khang told me to get angry. So I did.

We did vehicle stoppages and personal searches exclusively, though we also hit on some basics like formations and bounding. "Would you like some goat milk?" The two new people to the team, Matt and Steven, went through training with us. They did pretty good for a first time, but communication and techniques need to be worked in. At one point we were running a drill and Matt was hit, but I think he called for medic once. So we left him behind. We had bounded probably 300 feet from him before I even took notice he was gone. "Where the hells Matt?!" "Think he got lost?"

Other than that, they did great. Better than I had expected, and we are lucky to have them on the team. We are getting to the point where we are running as a fluid team, even at this stage I think we are FAR ahead of any other local team. And I am ready to start throwing bb's again next weekend!

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